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3x a different perspective on why your website needs search engine optimization

Why your website needs search engine optimization? You know the open doors by now: because almost every search starts in Google and because you want to grow as a company. In this blog we therefore share three different perspectives on why your website needs search engine optimization, including practical examples.

website optimalisatie

You speak the language of your target group

We remember well that a few years ago we had a conversation about website optimization for Google with an entrepreneur. He specialized in 'LED light displays'. In other words: facade advertising for retail and business premises with your logo or company name on it.

During the second conversation, we presented him with the results of our research into search behaviour in Google. It turned out that there was never a single search in Google for 'LED light displays', but three thousand times a month for 'light boxes'. And that turned out to be exactly what he delivered!

After we only replaced the word 'LED light displays' on his website for 'light boxes', a lot more was sold. And that wasn't just because he started to rank better in Google. In short: Google gives you information about what your offer is called.

First come, first served

Times change. Where you used to be the first to be at a mill to ensure that your corn was milled, it is now important that you between 10 fellow mills ensure that a consumer comes to you in the first place. So: first come (in the search results), first served.

We sometimes hear marketing managers say that 'Google doesn't matter'. That often means I'm still unfamiliar with search engine optimization, so my customers come from other sources. In our view, the question is not: do I need Google? The conclusion is that without website optimization for Google you miss an important connection with your target group, so that you are overtaken left and right by the competition.

What the farmer does not know, he does not eat

The principle is centuries old: if you've never seen or eaten potatoes and see one in the skin (with or without soil), it's not the first thing you put in your mouth. In fact, potatoes had been eaten in Latin America as early as the 16th century, but it was not until 1727 that they were considered a food in Europe. And now we don't know any better: we can peel them, cook them and then apple sauce, Maggi or Zaanse mayonnaise does the rest. Because we know them.

So: do you want to eat and be eaten? You belong at the top of Google. And brand awareness = no slack marketing. Your target group simply prefers to choose something that has already been sniffed. And your current relationships also keep seeing you come and realize that you are (still) in the competition. An important reason why your website needs search engine optimization.


Als er veel geluid wordt gemaakt, gaat het er niet om de boel te overstemmen, maar om de juiste snaar te raken

In tune

When a lot of noise is made, the point is not to drown it out, but to harmonize and hit the right string. That is what we stand for. A story that resonates with the right people through smart online marketing.


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