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8 reasons why your lead generation via Google is not (yet) successful

For you as an entrepreneur or entrepreneurial manager, we have listed 8 reasons that appear to have a negative impact on the results of your lead generation via Google. Each and every one of us has discovered this in ourselves and the companies that outsource lead generation to upMention.

Redhead male and brunette female military members training hard and helping each other on a sand hill run

You have no marketing characters

If you do not know exactly who you got out of bed for that morning and who you want to speak to via Google, you will not be able to make good contact with your target group.

It is therefore important that you carefully create profiles of the people who are important in your target group. What is their concern? What are they afraid of? What kind of training do they do? What are the goals? Etc.

All balls on Google Ads

The most simplistic form of online marketing through Google is simply pouring your cash into Google ads.

However, the control over what you spend and the fact that you can easily adjust it burns tons of money in the long run. Our rule of thumb is that every company can get even a little return from Google ads. With Google organic, you can achieve much more return and growth in the long term.

We always see that it gives a huge (energy) boost to a company as soon as contact with the right people is created in a natural way without being dependent on advertisements.

There is no risk-free offer

Before your target group actually starts buying what you offer with online lead generation via Google, there are usually still quite a few steps to take. Especially if you do B2B lead generation.

That's why it's smart to make a risk-free offer as the first step in this process. Access to this offer has no barrier and must be attractive enough to get your target group moving. In exchange for that movement, you make sure you know who the person is. You ask for contact details (B2B lead generation) or you ask them to visit the store to pick it up from B2C lead generation, for example. In this way you can start a process in which you intensify contact with this person.

An example of a risk-free offering is the white paper from upMention in which we unraveled the secret of Google. First, we make ourselves visible, then we provide a whitepaper via email. This way we know who you are, and we can establish contact via LinkedIn, telephone and e-mail automation.

You have too little guts

Entrepreneurship requires courage. Choose to be chosen. Are you a gray mouse or do you jump out so that some of the people think you are 'crazy', but another part 'too crazy'?

Since we have been honest about knowing Google's secret, we have also received criticism from many quarters. But, in the context of online lead generation, we mainly receive calls every day because people want to know more about the information and knowledge we have about the secret of Google.

For example, we are in line with Steve Jobs' strategy: people can think about you, but what cannot be ignored.

You only check your website on the desktop

Because it is your profession, you manage your lead generation campaigns comfortably behind your desktop every day. But, as you probably know, mobile is the most used variant of your website. To solve this, you can use software that records the behavior of your users on all platforms.

Think of a tool like Mouseflow. The advantage of this tool is that an algorithm determines to what extent there is a satisfied or dissatisfied visitor in your lead generation strategy. You can then look back on the process of the dissatisfied visitors to the second.

You will soon encounter bottlenecks in your website that way. You can then use conversion optimization to improve the results of your lead generation marketing. Is your desktop website more important? Even then it is an interesting tool.

Your language use does not match the target group

A common misunderstanding around online lead generation is that you have to keep the language on your website simple. However, we believe it is the art to match the language of your target group.

The problem with jargon is not so much that it is unclear, the problem is that it is not used by your target audience. You are not driving a vehicle, but a car and you are not sailing in a vessel, but in a boat.

Both vehicle and vessel refer to an understandable word, but it is only used in, for example, a legal field. To find out the language of your target group, it is good to do an analysis of what your target group is looking for in Google.

You aim for quantity

At upMention we always wanted as many leads as possible in the first instance. When we later analyzed our lead generation, it turned out that the customers who decided to work with us always did so very quickly. That often took 1-2 weeks and then it was agreed.

And that the leads that didn't suit us used more than 80% of our sales capacity. For example, companies that do not suit us have too low a turnover, a worthless margin or do not dare to invest in the long term.

Especially if the offer does not match the cash flow of a customer, you can speak as a bridge man, but it just does not fit. So that's a waste of resources and time.

You do not engage in personal or company recognition

Any way that you know more about who's entering your website through lead generation campaigns is very welcome. This can be done in two ways: You can work with business recognition software that shows which companies are on your website based on the IP address.

You can also give everyone who comes to your website through your marketing unique IDs so that from that moment on you know what they are doing on your website in the past and in the future. You can even set a notification in your mailbox as soon as a very interesting contact is on your website again.

We work together with all kinds of tools in this area, but for Dutch websites the OnlineSucces tool is the best. With this you can recognize companies as well as give people unique links so that from that moment on you know exactly when they were and are on your website.

Als er veel geluid wordt gemaakt, gaat het er niet om de boel te overstemmen, maar om de juiste snaar te raken

In tune

When a lot of noise is made, the point is not to drown it out, but to harmonize and hit the right string. That is what we stand for. A story that resonates with the right people through smart online marketing.


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