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Conversion-enhancing writing, how do I do that?

You probably recognize it: you read a text and drop out at the intro. That cannot be the intention because the purpose of a text is to encourage you as a reader to take action. So you want a converting text where you benefit from the text and the reader. Yet it still appears to be a task to write such converting texts. What exactly should you pay attention to when writing converting texts? In this blog, we give you several tools so that you can start writing texts that encourage action.


Who is the reader?

Who is your target group, and where is your target group located? By conducting research into your target group, you gain valuable insights. This way, you can get to know the interests of your target audience and their choice of words. Tools that you can use for this are, for example, 'Google Search Console' and 'Google Analytics'. With these tools, you gain insight into your target group's keywords to find your website. You can then analyze these keywords and use them to write a text.

Texts that can be useful to readers are texts that solve problems for them. If you can find out what pain points are for your audience, you can solve them through a blog. This way, the reader feels seen, and you have a better chance of a conversion. We will come back to this later in this blog.

Make use of 'VOC.'

Search the internet for reviews, interviews and surveys that apply to your product/service. From this, you can get to know the voice of your target audience. This is also referred to as 'VOC'. 'VOC' stands for 'Voice of Customer'. The VOC is essential data for your text. By collecting this data, you get to know your target group better. You will also discover the way your target group writes. By including the VOC in your text, your target group will feel more directly addressed.

Identify the stage of consciousness.

There are different stages of consciousness. Here they are:

  • Unaware
  • Aware of the problem
  • Aware of the solution
  • Awareness of the product
  • Total awareness

Target your text at the target group in one of the above stages. In this way, you address this target group in a very targeted way. This can convince them and automatically take them to the following stages.

Make use of a framework.

There are several frameworks you can use for texts. One of the most popular frameworks is 'The PAS Framework'. We highlighted these here.

With the PAS framework, you use the following 3 points:

  • Problem
  • Agitation
  • Solution

We give an example of how this framework is applied in a text:

Have you seen where we have used the PAS framework in this text? We did this in our introduction.

  • Problem: Your target group does not read your texts
  • Agitation: No texts that meet the needs of your target group
  • Solution: Converting texts

Make it attractive

A suitable and catchy title is essential to draw attention to your text. This attracts attention on a website, social media, and Google. It is not only the title important but also the overview. The text must be clear and well-arranged for a reader; otherwise, no attention will be paid to it. It can also help to process an image in it. An image can provide more clarity or make the text look more attractive.

Find your style

Writing texts cannot be pinned down to a few rules or frameworks. It is, therefore, good to carry out A/B tests and see how your target group reacts to your texts. For example, create two emails with different writing styles. Divide these two emails over your target group. Optimize, run and track the stats. Keep looking critically at your texts and think: Do I offer added value to my target group by writing about this subject?

This is how you write to increase conversion.

In short: what makes a text conversion enhancing? The text must appeal to the target group. It is, therefore, essential to remember who you are writing the text for (the persona). The structure of a text must also follow a specific order. You want your audience to read the text. It must look attractive through a catchy title, good structure and a clear image to start reading it. A text-only increases conversion if it contains a good call to action. When you create an interesting text for the target group and apply these requirements, you ultimately ensure that the conversion is increased.

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