July 2021

Google optimization vs Bing optimization 4 differences

google optimalisatie

We know the secret of Google, but we like to talk about the secret of Microsoft, aka: Bing. Of course, still in the light of tech giant Google. So: Google optimization versus Bing optimization. What are the differences and why should you even think about it at all?

Using Bing

If you combine the different studies, it appears that 95-98% of internet users in the Netherlands use Google and the rest use Bing, closely followed by Altavista, Yahoo! and DuckDuckGo. In short: negligible. Or not?

We advise you to think about Bing if your organization meets the following preconditions: you have an extremely large target group (so even in Bing there is still a lot of searches), you have an unreachable high competition (you may be able to score in Bing) or you have made the most of your website optimization for Google (that will take a while ????).

Difference 1: Bing isn't that smart

Where you can assume with search engine optimization in Google that Google knows how to interpret the intention of the search terms on your website quite accurately with artificial intelligence, it turns out that you will score better in Bing if you simply use the exact search term. So, use clear, exact keywords because Bing isn't that smart.

Difference 2: Meta keywords

You may not be able to suppress a smile when you read this, because then you think back to the time when Google also took meta keywords seriously. Then you packed these meta keywords with keywords during website optimization for Google, but they were not visible to your visitor (only for the search engine). These meta keywords are still recommended by Bing in the webmaster guidelines!

Difference 3: Social Media Impact

Bing's webmaster guidelines are very clear: Bing puts social media ahead of Google. They are even called 'positive signals with impact'. So, a website with a lot of recommendations on social media has a better position in Bing. So, make sure to get likes, shares, recommendations, etc. with Bing optimization. The more, the better.

Difference 4: Impact of the Left

Links are important for both Google optimization and Bing optimization. However, while Google uses the well-known PageRank technology to determine whether you are important based on links to your website and the links to the website that links to you, Bing looks more at domain age and whether the organization behind it is reliable with links from other websites. is. Links from the websites of universities, government and news websites are therefore of more value.

And then this

Bing is - unlike in the Netherlands - quite used in the United States. 5.43% of Americans say they use Bing vs. 88.84% search engine Google (reference date: May 2021). So, keep that in mind with your international search engine optimization.

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