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Have the guts to rethink your online marketing goals

It's summer vacation in the Netherlands. The time to sit back for a while. And at that point, you may also realize that your marketing goals must catch up. So, after that well-deserved vacation, you'll find yourself in your office chair with renewed energy: time to rethink your marketing goals. But how?


Analyze the target

When rethinking your online marketing goals, start by questioning your plan. Sometimes in the year, you have new insights or information you did not have access to before. So: does your goal meet the right preconditions? Is the goal concrete, are the right people involved and is the success easily measurable?

Your starting point is also an essential factor. Often the results of the previous year are used. However, the big question is: was last year average, very bad, or exceptional success? Especially with the COVID pandemic, there are a lot of temporary results that are not permanent.

Know your next customer.

We can't say it often enough: if you need to be more precise about your favourite next customer, you'll be less able to address them. And if you have already worked it out, the trick is to focus on it regularly because the preferences of your following customer change, and the competition is also on the move.

At upMention, we recommend giving your favourite customer(s) a fictitious name, for example 'Johan'. We even include a photo. This way, you know precisely who you are targeting and recognize every 'Johan' from afar. And so, your marketing efforts are not for the whole world, but for 'Johan', who fits your business perfectly because he lives like your favourite customer. Johan will feel addressed and will therefore contact you.

Calculate adversity

Concrete actions support vital goals. However, we regularly see that with planning and objectives, there is a tendency to assume that things will go as desired. But believe it or not, some things go right immediately, and some things take more time. Estimating the future too positively is why goals are not achieved. Calculate setbacks, and you won't be surprised anymore.

Dare to invest

A repetition of moves is often also a repetition of results. You can expect similar results if you put in the same effort as last year.
You can still grow, but if you want to double or triple, you sometimes have to dare to double or triple the effort. Another option, of course, is that you find a faster or better way to do this.

Activate your team

Are the colleagues involved also concerned about the goal, just like you? When we at Heinosoft were less focused on teamwork, successful sprints were simply drawn regularly, but it was not a combination of qualities and insights that led to a better result. Since we are much more focused on teamwork, the goals of the whole team and achieving goals are more manageable because everyone makes a suitable contribution.

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